Figure Painting in Oil
5 Week Online Class
4 - 7 PM PST Tuesday
July 16- August 13
Using a contemporary approach to painting the figure, we will focus on seeing and organizing, and simplifying shapes of color and value. Each week’s assignment will help you gain fluency and speed with oil paint while working from the figure.
Working with still images, we will learn techniques to help you create sophisticated figure paintings from your own studio. The course aims to set you up with a structure for practicing figure painting on your own, translating photographic reference in an organic way. This class is suitable for all skill levels.
Weekly Outline
Grisaille Block-in
Temperature I
Temperature II–Painting the Head
Abstracting Color Spots
Complete Figure, Expanded Palette
**Each session is approximately 3 hours long and includes a lecture, a demo, and in-class critiques for the Full Seat participants. Classes will meet on Zoom. Homework, class recordings, and class materials will be available through the private class Padlet.
**All sessions are live and will be recorded, students do not have to be present. All recordings will be available to students for 6 months after the final session, after 6 months the recording will be deleted.